In the past 10 years, jet cards have become the soup du jour. However, the air taxi concept never took off.

The symbol of VLJs, the Eclipse, sans toilet, is no longer in production although Embraer, Cessna, HondaJet and others have refined the concept into a niche with staying power. Another, called, DayJet, foundered at birth. Former American Airlines chairman Robert Crandall and People Express founder Donald Burr backed a venture called Pogo that never got off the ground. In the early part of this decade, the smart money was on the concept of the air taxi, which was being propelled by a new generation of smaller private jets, today referred to as VLJs, or Very Light Jets. commercial market being strangled by a few mega carriers that control over 80% of the market, innovation is coming from the private aviation sector. Remember People Express, Midwest Express, Legend, MGM Grand Air, New York Air, Air Florida, Southwest Airlines and others.

Back in the late last century, it was commercial aviation that was a petri dish of new ideas. For a long time the private aviation industry was considered staid with not a lot of options.

However, you do bypass the commercial airport terminals, showing up for your flight just 15 minutes before departure and you’ll be on your way within five minutes of landing. Yet today, you can at least get a taste of the private aviation experience for as little as $59, albeit on an airplane with seating that more closely resembles the type of regional jet you find flying with the regular airlines. Commercial airline service is getting worse as is the airport experience.